Geeking out is so much fun!
Anyhoo, after a night partying at the GB party ; where for a change they played about an hour of house music (leading to the queens stalking out claiming they will never hang out at a place that replaces "Kua maan doob jaoongi" with Paul van Dyke); I stumbled into bed around 2 am and found I couldn't in goes my favourite "Before Sunset" into the DVD player and out come the Pringles, custard and usual requirements when I watch this movie on my bi-monthly viewings. I finally dropped of to sleep about 5 am only to be rudely awakened at 8 am by my sidey alarm ringtone (I have "Carnival" for all you Nokia phone people). Spent about 10 minutes trying to decide between my lucky Superman shirt or M.'s Taz shirt. Finally decided on my PETA shirt (which I got free...I'm such a whore for free stuff) and jumped into a cab to Sophia's. I got there a bit early and looked around at assorted "competition" - all of who fit very nicely into the "I went to IIT and am a Tam Brahm" box (Check here please). I sat my non-IIT, non-TamBrahm ass way back and surprise surprise. A good omen! The desk I sat at belonged to a Mithun fan....the surface was scarred with "I love you Mithunda" and "I love Mimoh". Fantastic, I thought, this person understands why "Disco Dancer" and "Gun Master G9" were the defining moment of our lives in the mid 80's! With MithunDa's blessings, I opened up the quiz..150 questions to be answered in 90 minutes. So I'll be lying if I claimed I knew them all. I'll be lying if I claimed I even knew the answers to half. So technically, I only answered 75 questions...the other questions all got my standard fake answer - Stanley Kubrick.
What's the difference in lifespan of a Komodo dragon on the island of Flores as opposed to one on the island of Ternate?*
-Stanley Kubrick.
Where would you find Ching shi-weh and Bee-boppidy-boom?*
-Stanley Kubrick.
What, in the Bible, is equivalent to 3 lengths of rough undyed wool as woven by a daughter of Israel?*
-Stanley Kubrick.
See? He fits every question! "Do you like me Vikster?"..."err...Stanley Kubrick?"
(* - Actual questions may vary. All memories of actual questions have been obliterated by liberal doses of Heineken)
Anyhoo, I won. 54 points out of a possible 150. And my prize? A grand in voucers to Crosswords...which of course means that after a meal of Reshmi Tikka biryani at Noorani's (Honestly, at this rate, I'm going to have to give up ever fitting into my jeans again!), I headed off to Kemps Corner toute-suite.
People of Bombay. Lend me your ears. I bring you information.
There are HOT MEN who read! They hang out at Crosswords at Kemps Corner on Sunday afternoons! I almost sobbed for joy when I saw 3 of them clustered about the history section! Does this mean Bombay has the capacity to surprise cynical ol' me after all these years? I was forced to hang out in the Business and Marketing section for 15 minutes while a guy with the most divine grey eyes checked out the display (Meanwhile, I checked out his!) Snooped into his book bag at the checkout counter. Spotted "An analysis of the Zulu wars" (very do-able, pity about the wife), "Bathrooms and Kitchens" (decorating? gay? rich?), "The Da Vinci Code" (err..moving on..)...
All I know is, I thnk I know where I'm going to be hanging out Sunday afternoons now.
Current music:
Hit me baby ( one more time) - Mrs. Federline
My loneliness is killing me, and I...
I must confess I still believe (still believe)..
How awesome is this song! (OK, I know about 50% of you have now lost all respect for me!)